President: Christian PRUDHOMME (FRA)
Vice-President delegate: Mauro VEGNI (ITA)
Vice-Presiden: Ruben PERIS LATORRE (ESP)
Secretary General: Charly MOTTET (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Luc GHEYSENS (BEL)
Treasurer: Eddy BUCHETTE(LUX)
Deputy Treasurer: Hartmut BOELTS (ALL)
Director Genera: Richard CHASSOT (SUI)
Administrative Secretary: Corinne RIMET-BAUME (SUI)
Number of race members:
117 in 2017
AIOCC changed its administrative address: p.a. CHASSOT CONCEPT SA, Champ de la Vigne 3, CH-1470 Estavayer-Le-Lac

President: Christian PRUDHOMME (FRA)
Vice-President delegate: Eddy BUCHETTE (LUX)
Vice-President: Ruben PERIS LATORE (ESP)
Secretary General: Jean François PESCHEUX (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Thierry GOUVENOU (FRA)
Treasurer: Yves VANASSCHE (BEL)
Deputy Treasurer: Ursula RIHA (AUT)
Members : Hartmut BOLTS (GER), Javier GUILLEN (ESP), Renzo OLDANI (ITA), Wim VAN HERREWEGHE (BEL), Mauro VEGNI (ITA)
Administrative Secretary: Arlette DUMAS
Number of race members:
118 in 2013
117 in 2014
119 in 2015 and creation of a Women’s AIOCC.
124 in 2016
End of 2016, appointment of a Director General (Richard CHASSOT) and an Administrative Secretary (Corinne RIMET-BAUME).
Messrs Yves VANASSCHE and Jean-François PESCHEUX did not stand for office (left due to retirement) as well as Mrs Arlette DUMAS.

President: Christian PRUDHOMME (Fra)
Vice-President Delegate: Angelo ZOMEGNAN (Ita)
Vice-President : Eddy BUCHETTE (Lux)
Secretary General: Jean François PESCHEUX
Deputy Secretary General: Jean BODART
Treasurer: Yves VANASSCHE (Bel)
Deputy Treasurer: Hartmut BOLTS (Ger)
Members : Javier GUILLEN ( Esp), Renzo OLDANI (Ita), Ruben PERRIS (Esp), Mauro VEGNI (Ita), Wim VAN HERREWEGHE (Bel)
Administrative Secretary: Arlette DUMAS
Victor CORDERO did not stand for office as he was no longer organiser of the VUELTA.
In 2011, Angelo ZOMEGNAN decided to take a new path in his professional career and was no longer organiser of the Giro. He resigned and was not replaced on the Management Board.
President: Christian PRUDHOMME
Vice-President Delegate: Eddy BUCHETTE
Vice-President : Ruben PERIS
End 2008: 129 races are members
End 2009 : 121 races
End 2010 : 118 races
End 2012 : 120 races
AIOCC changed its administrative address: Batterie du Télésiège 950 – ANZERE – SWITZERLAND

President: Victor CORDERO (Esp)
Vice-President delegate: Christian PRUDHOMME (Fra)
Vice-President: Angelo ZOMEGNAN (Ita)
Secretary General: Jean François PESCHEUX (Fra)
Deputy Secretary General: Eddy BUCHETTE (Lux)
Treasurer: Yves VANASSCHE (Bel)
Deputy Treasurer: Hartmut BOLTS (Ger)
Members: Czeslaw LANG (Pol), Gregorio MORENO (Esp), Renzo OLDANI (Ita), Ruben PERRIS (Esp), Mauro VEGNI (Ita)
Administrative Secretary: Arlette DUMAS
After 16 years at the head of AIOCC, Jean Marie LEBLANC stepped down as Tour de France Director and did not want to start a mandate that he could not finish. After 21 years at AIOCC and in charge of the Giro, Carmine CASTELLANO, also decided to step down from RCS organisations. After 31 years at AIOCC, Fritz RAMSEIER, firstly with the Amateurs then with the Professionals did not wish to renew his mandate.
In 2004 : 141 races
In 2005 : 146 races
In 2006 : 145 races
In 2007 : 140 races

Vice-President delegate: Carmin CASTELLANO – Giro
Vice-President: Marc BIVER – Tour of Suisse
Secretary General: Jean François PESCHEUX – Paris Roubaix
Deputy Secretary General: Eddy BUCHETTE – Tour of Luxembourg
Treasurer: Alberto GADDEA – Vuelta
Deputy Treasurer: Yves VANASSCHE – Tour of the Walloon Region
Members : Czelaw LANG – Tour of Poland, Grégorio MORENO – Burgos, Alberto RAIMONDI – Trois Vallee Varesine, Oscar PITARCH – Volta a Catalunya, Fritz RAMSEIER – Tour of Germany
At the General Assembly in AIGLE, in 2003, the committee co-opted Ruben PERIS to replace Oscar PITARCH who resigned. In February 2004, Alberto GADDEA ended his collaboration with UNIPUBLIC. He wanted to step down and proposed to co-opt Victor CORDERO to replace him. He proposed Yves VANASSCHE as General Treasurer. Marc BIVER resigned since he no longer organised the Tour of Switzerland and Tour de Romandie. In 2001, VERBRUGGEN was re-elected for 4 years at the head of the UCI and Vittorio ADORNI became CCP President. Creation of a «Rules» Commission.
The creation on 1st January 2005 of the PRO TOUR system was challenged by all organisers, who expressed their concerns.
Various meetings were held in 2004 in particular with President VERBRUGGEN, who answered organisers’ questions on this subject.
From 2005, the 3 Grand Tours were opposed to the introduction of the Pro Tour and went into a fierce battle with the UCI until 2010 when an agreement was reached with the creation of the WORLD TOUR which was more like a sports system, with a hierachy of teams based on their composition.
In 2001, AIOCC included 135 races -73 one-day and 62 stage In 2002, 134 races -74 one-day and 60 stage In 2003, 132 races – 72 one-day and 60 stage

Vice-President delegate: Carmine CASTELLANO
Vice-President: Fritz RAMSEIER
Secretary General: Agnès PIERRET
Deputy Secretary General: Hugo STEINEGGER
Treasurer: Alberto GADDEA
Deputy Treasurer: Yves VANASSCHE
Members : Roger BENE, Eddy BUCHETTE, Serge LANG, Grégorio MORENO.
In November 1998, Jean-François PESCHEUX was co-opted to the post of Secretary General to replace Agnès PIERRET called up for another post at the EBU.
At the extraordinary General Assembly in 1996, members approved the new constitution which limited organisers to classes 1 to 6 of the International Calendar.

Vice-President: Carmine CASTELLANO (ITA), Fritz RAMSEIER (GER)
Secretary General: Albert BOUVET (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Jean François PESCHEUX (FRA)
Treasurer: Yves VANASSCHE (BEL)
Members : Roger BENE (FRA), Alberto GADEA (ESP), Vincenzo IACOVINO (ITA), Josy SCURI ( LUX), Louis WERMELINGER (SUI)
Number of member races: 104

Pro Secto: Roger BENE, Albert BOUVET, Carmine CASTELLANO, Alberto GADDEA, Jean Marie, LEBLANC, Theo VAN GRIETHUYSEN
Amateur Sector: Fritz RAMSEIER, Stefan MIKSCHL, Louis WERMELINGER, Brian ELLIOTT, Carlo PROCACCI, Jean François PESCHEUX
President: Carmine CASTELLANO (ITA)
Vice-Presidents: Alberto GADEA (ESP), Theo VAN GRIETHUYSEN (BEL) died on 16 May 1994.
Secretary General: Albert BOUVET (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Roger BENE (FRA)
Members: Nino CERONI (ITA), Evert DE ROOY (NED), Rob DISCART (BEL), Jean Marie LEBLANC (FRA), Franco MEALLI (ITA), Grégorio MORENO (ESP), Josy SCURI (LUX)
President: Fritz RAMSEIER (GER)
Vice-Presidents: Stefan MIKSCHL (AUT), Louis WERMELINGER (SUI) (Finances), Brian ELLIOTT (GBR), Carlo PROCACCI (ITA)
Secretary General: Jean-François PESCHEUX (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Vincenzo IOCOVINO (ITA)
Members : Eugénio BOMBONI (ITA), Yves VANASSCHE (BEL), Mouloud OUERDANE (ALG)
Legal Adviser: Marc LEMAY (CAN)
The following were appointed to work on the UCI/AIOCC Mixed Technical Commission Messrs RAMSEIER-WERMELINGER-VANASSCHE and PESCHEUX.
A new constitution was proposed to improve and simplify the system: As the UCI proposed with the disappearance of FIAC and the FICP, there would only be one International Association of Cycling Race Organisers. There would only be one Management Board. The Management Board would be composed of 10 members (6 Pros and 4 Amateurs). Each sector would be composed of 10 members.
A Central Co-ordination Committee was created.
Annual General Assembly on Friday 27 August 1993 during the OSLO World Championships.
AIOCC Congress on Friday 18 November 1994 in PARIS.
1994 was a pivotal year for cycling with the restructuring of the UCI and the UCI Commissions who were working towards the introduction of a unique licence for 1996 as well as the opening of the Olympic Games to professionals.
Disappearance of the 100 km team race.
The International Calendar grouped together the Professional Calendar races and the best races on the Amateurs calendar.
Amateur Sector fees: 1 to 3 days 250 F.F 4 to 7 days 500 FF 8 to 11 days 750 FF 12 to 15 days 1,000 FF
Number of races in 1993: 111

A Central Co-ordination Committee was created following the merging of the FICP and the FIAC with the UCI. This committee included members of the former AIOCC «Amateur» and «AIOCC pro».
President: Jean-Marie LEBLANC (FRA)
Vice-President delegate: Théo VAN GRIETHUYSEN (BEL)
Vice-Presidents: Michael AISNER (USA), Samuel CALDERON (COL)
Secretary General: Albert BOUVET (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Jean-François PESCHEUX (FRA)
General Treasurer: Edwin RUDOLPH (SUI)
Deputy Treasurer: Alberto GADEA (ESP)
President: Eugénio BOMBONI (ITA)
Vice-Presidents: Michael AISNER (USA) replaced in 1990 by Claude PAGE (SUI), Edwin RUDOLF (SUI), Samuel CALDERON (COL) replaced by Gonzalo LOPEZ (COL) in 1990. Phil LIGGETT (GBR)
Secretary General: Jean-François PESCHEUX (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Carlo PROCACCI (ITA)
Treasurer: Louis WERMELINGER (SUI)
Members: Nentcho CHRISTOV (BUL), Fritz RAMSEIER (GER), Georget MEURISSE (BEL), Wojcieck SZKIELA (POL), Brian ELLIOTT (GBR), Mouloud OUERDANE (ALG)
Legal Adviser: Marc LEMAY (CAN)
Technical Adviser: Vasilije MOROVIC (YOU)
AIOCC «AMATEURS» World Cup at AIOCC races
1989: France-R.D.A-U.R.S.S
1990: Czechoslovakia-France-Germany
1991: Germany-U.R.S.S.-Czechoslovakia
1992: Germany –Netherlands – France
President: Vicenzo TORRIANI (ITA)
Vice-Presidents: Theo VAN GRIETHUYSEN (BEL), Alberto GADEA (ESP)
Secretary General: Albert BOUVET (FRA)
Deputy Secretary: Roger BENE (FRA)
Members: Carmine CASTELLANO (ITA), Frans GRIMONPONT (BEL), Jean-Marie LEBLANC, Franco MEALLI (ITA), Angel MOLINER (ESP), Gregorio MORENO (ESP), Josy SCURI (LUX)
Number of member races in 1992: 103

President: Felix LEVITAN (FRA)
Vice-President delegate: Heinz DIETRICH (GER)
Vice-Presidents: Fritz RAMSEIER (GER), Vincenzo TORRIANI (ITA)
Secretary General: Xavier LOUY (FRA)
Deputy Director: Richard MARILLIER (FRA)
General Treasurer: Jean REGALI (SUI)
Deputy Treasurer: Wojtek SZKIELA (TCH)
Legal Adviser: Marc LEMAY
President: Fritz RAMSEIER (Ger)
Vice-President delegate: Wojciech SZKIELA (Pol)
Vice-Presidents: Heinz DIETRICH (RDA), Eugénio BOMBONI (Ita), Phil LIGGETT ( Gbr)
Secretary General: Albert BOUVET (Fra)
Deputy Secretary: Xavier LOUY (Fra)
Members : Michael AISNER (USA), Jéri BAUMRUK (Slo), Samuel CALDERON (Col), Mouloud OUERDANE (Alg), Edwin RUDOLF (Sui)
At the end of the 1987 General Assembly; Felix LEVITAN, one of the founders of AIOCC resigned from all his official functions including that of President of the Central Co-ordination Committee.